Saturday, June 20, 2009

Reflections on being 50

This week I turned the big 50!! I had told my kids I was going to get a motel room and come home when the crisis was over. For some reason the 0 birthdays always bother me. I remember when I was young and my parents were in their 50's, they just seemed so old to me. Being 50 means I have lived more than half a life time. It gives one cause to reflect about what you have accomplished in life. A classmate of mine who was born the same day and in the same hospital, came out to give me a hard time about being old. We spent time reflecting on our school days and talking about "If we had only known". If we had only known, we would not have been so worried about what others thought of us and just been ourselves. If we had only known, we would have paid a little more attention in class and gotten a better education. If we had only known, we would have cultivated better relationships with each other instead of comparing ourselves to classmates that we thought were so much better than us. We decided that our accomplishments were not the things we had in life, but the fact that we had good marriages, great kids and grandkids. That really is all that matters in the long run. I feel like I have the greatest kids on earth and my grandkids, well what can I say, they are perfect. I love you all so much. So I guess being 50 isn't so bad after all because if I wasn't 50 I wouldn't have you all in my life and I can't even comprehend that. So thanks Jeff for helping me realize that being 50 is right where I want to be.

1 comment:

Denise D said...

You cannot be 50 because I'm only 50 and I know I'm just a few months older than Gary. haha. The best part about middle age (yes I'm still just middle aged) is you can choose how old you want to be and I decided to go backward this year. I have been reading the Mecham family blogs and found yours, I miss you guys and cannot believe it has been so long since I have seen or talked to you. You are always in my heart and thoughts, I love you. Denise