I am not quite sure how to write this entry except to say that I want to record a very special and emotional moment in my life. Tuesday May 11, 2010, my TOHC kids met to do a critique of the Mock Disaster. My president turned the time over to David Gunnels for a surprise presentation. David walked to the back of the room and picked up this boquet of flowers and a paper and stood in front of me. He said that each flower represented one member of the coalition and that he would like to read something he had dedicated to me. He read the "Starfish, Making a Difference" story. It is about a young man on the beach. To a local writer who has come to the beach, it looks like the man is dancing in the early evening sunset. When the writer approaches the young man he finds that he is throwing something into the ocean. The writer inquires as to what the young man is doing. The young man exlains that the tide brings in starfish and when the tide goes back out, it leaves the starfish behind to die. He further explains that he comes to the beach each night to throw starfish back into the ocean. The writer tells the young man that there are thousands of starfish that come in with the tide and that he cannot possibly make a difference. The young man bends down and picks up a starfish and throws it back into the ocean and says ,"It made a difference for that one". After he read the story, he talked about how being a member of TOHC had changed his life and thanked me for making a difference in his and making a difference in the community. David has come such a long way, has grown so much and is an amazing young man. I am so honored by what he did. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life!
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