For the last 3 months the TOHC coalition (Teens Opposed to Harmful Choices) has been planning a mock disaster drill for the St. Johns High School students. On May 5, 2010 all was in place and ready. Sixteen agencies had been invited to the drill and
all of them came through. It was amazing. I am so proud of the work this group did. The drill went off without a hitch.
The students were moulaged prior to the drill to simulate injuries occuring in the crash.

The city crew loaded the vehicles to be used in the mock crash. They were also there afterwards to clean up for us. You guys rock! The collaboration between all agencies was truely amazing and went together like a work of art.

At the High School two cars were placed in head on crash position. Now we await the crash victims.

A third car was placed across the street, having come from the bus barn slamming into the other cars, losing control.

The car rolled over and came to rest on it's top, killing the driver and only slighly wounding the passenger.

St. Johns Fire and EMS work using the jaws of life to prepare this car for the 6 victims of this crash scene.

One victim would be life flighted to the hospital by Guardin Air, one adult pedestrian would be life flighted by Native Air. Five students would be taken by ground ambulance with life threatening injuries. One of them would be paralized for life.

After the drill students were invited to an assembly where the disaster was brought together. Students heard the 911 call that went out. Lights were lowered and a funeral procession began with the Arizona Rangers carrying a casket down the center isle and onto the rising stage. A short life history was read about the deceased student Jordyn Plumb, after which a funeral procession left the stage, each placing a flower on the casket. Taps echoed as the the procession exited the stage. The spirit of Jordyn Plumb appeared on stage telling students that she thought she knew it all and had life figured out. A decision to use drugs led to her untimely, tragic death. A video which the team filmed, depicted a drug buy at "the tree", the use of the purchased drugs and the reckless driving which led to the accident. To end the video, statistics of drug abuse and it's relationship to vehicle crashes was displayed. Following the video three agencies presented information to the students. The Arizona Rangers, Apache County ACCENT and Native Air.
To end the presentation I went to the stage and asked the TOHC students to join me. As they came on stage, their peers arose and gave them a standing ovation, letting them know that they had heard the message. It was a very emotional closing to an amazing event.
I can't close this post without saying THANK YOU to all who particapted with us and made this event the success that it was. Special thanks to my husband who is always behind the scene doing what needs to be done to ensure success. Thanks honey, you are amazing!!
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