On Thursday night we went to the Easter Pagent at the Mesa Temple. It was so amazing. What a wonderful reminder about what Easter is. It brought home once again the reality of the Savior's birth and resurrection and made me so grateful for that knowledge. Thinking of what our Savior did for each of us is so amazing. To think 0f my sins and him bleeding from every pore for them is overwhelming. What a powerful love he has for each of us. I am so grateful for the knowledge this church brings to me.
A couple of Sunday's ago the lesson in Relief Society was on the creation. We discussed the many worldly teachings about how the world was created. One woman raised her hand and said " The world being created by the Big Bang Theory is about as likely as having an explosion in a printing shop and coming out with a dictionary". When you look at it that way, it really makes things clear. I am so grateful for my membership in the church and for all of the answers it gives to life's hard questions.
On Saturday night, Jaron and Sharla treated Kelsey and I to dinner at Texas Road House. One of my favorite places to eat. It is always so good. Thanks guys. Love you all tons and so enjoy spending time with y0u.
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