Friday, March 12, 2010

New Bed

Sleep deprivation is not a good thing! It tends to make one cranky after awhile SOOO Gary and I decided it was time to go shopping for a new bed. Well of course one thing leads to another and we decided to get a King size bed which needed a king size headboard which needed 2 new night stands which needed new sheets, blanket and bedspread. But hey after 30 years of marriage we decided that wasn't such a bad thing. So, we get it here and get it all put together and we stand and gaze at this beautiful sight, in awe that it has taken us so long to do this. We start laughing about how in awe we are, then we look at each other, we both know what the other is thinking, Yip we need to redo the walls and get new carpet. There is good news, however, the dresser that we refinished last summer is a very good match so we don't have to replace it. So it all balances out don't you think? Ha Ha We are very much enjoying the comfort of a good mattress.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Pretty gorgeous looking!! It also looks comfy!