Christmas 2009 can be counted as a great blessing and lots of fun.

Tyler and Kelsey love to ham it up when they get together!

Sam, Trish, Mom and Carleen hanging out at our house.

Enjoying goodies is always a great part of Christmas

Tyler and Gary figuring how the Airplane game that they kids got to go with the Wii.

Kelsey and Jen playing cards Christmas afternoon.
The kids got us a Wii for Christmas. We had a ball with it. We all found out how out of shape we are. We had bowling tournaments, baseball games, boxing games and tried our hands at golf. With the Wii fit, we found out our BMI's, current weight and our REAL age, yeah that was scary! We played all day figuring out the games we could play and excercises we could do. We are on our way to being fit.
Christmas Eve Carson received a phone call from Santa and Mrs. Clause. He also got a "Good Boy List". He was excited to find his name, his cousins, Westyn, Treyson and Trevyn and some of his friends back home. He wished that Santa would have sent a "good girl list" so he could find his mom, his grandmas and his cousin Kyndie. Right at bedtime there was a knock on the door and he found a present on the doorstep. It was some pretty cute pj's to wear to bed. He woke up Christmas morning, sat up and said "I had a dream that Santa came". Kelsey told him that Santa did come, so he ran to the front room to see and sure enough Santa had been there. So fun.
The Monday after Christmas we had dinner at Mom's and had to have a bowling tournament. We talked Karen and John into playing. Sam, John and I played with John deciding to play with his left hand. He blew Sam and I out of the water. Gary and I have been practicing up for a re-match and we are almost ready. Gary hit 6 strikes in a row. We have had a lot of fun playing the Wii each night. Thanks kids. We love and appreciate all you did for us!! N0w on to the new year.
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