For some strange reason our house seems to be the place for skunks to hyberbate. Each winter we battle them under the house. This year was no exception. At night we can hear them scratching and crawling and making so much noise we can't sleep. This year's skunk has seemed to outsmart us. We haven't been able to trap it. Gary puts out the trap and food and we can see that they have been around the trap but do not go in. At last we finally caught not only one but two of the varmits. Gary was very busy and didn't have time to empty the trap for a couple of days, so every morning when I went to work I'd have to go way around them as they hissed their displeasure at me. I called Treyson and Carson to tell them about Grandpa's catch and they both wanted to see what Grandpa caught, so here you go guys. Here are pictures of Grandpa's catch. Treyson wanted me to load the skunk and Grandpa and bring them both to Utah so he could help Grandpa take care of it. I took pictures of them one morning on my way to work. This one was pretty fiesty and didn't like having his picture taken and tried his very best to spray me but he couldn't get his tail up, thank goodness. Gary finally got around to getting them taken care of, put them in a garbage bag and headed for the green waste to get rid of them. He said when he grabbed the bag he felt something move but just figured they had shifted. WRONG!! One of them was still alive. So he set the bag down and ran for the truck just as he saw the mist from the spray coming out of the bag. He narrowly escaped without getting sprayed. He was counting his lucky stars!!
We were hoping this was the end to the story, but no such luck, the next morning once again we saw tracks around the traps. I think that our skunk must have come out to say ha ha to the two that were trapped and found them gone. So this story will I am sure, be continued.
Love the story, but when you said that he took care of them.... what exactly does that mean? Did he bathe and feed them in preparation for their journey back into the wilderness? That Gary is a true animal lover.
Dare I post that he drown them!
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