Thanksgiving was very quiet this year. Jaron and Sharla were the only ones that were able to come home. We had a great dinner but wondered why we had so much food left over after we were done eating. The next day we went to ShowLow not for black Friday, thank you very much, but to see some movies. We went to New Moon and A Christmas Carol in 3 D. Oh my gosh it was awesome but I wouldn't take small kids to it.

This was a great year. We have so much to be thankful for. Dallas and Emilee and Tyler and Jennifer both bought new homes. They are beautiful and homey and we love spending time with them.
In May we were blessed with our little Trevyn. He is such a joyful, happy baby. We love him. We now have 5 grandchildren and love them all.
In July we went to Kentucky for a week. That was an amazing experience. We loved every minute of it.
In August Jaron joined our family marrying Sharla on August 28th. It was a picture perfect wedding. Everything went so smoothly.
The last few months 3 of us have gotten new jobs and one got a promotion. In these challenging economic times that is truely a miracle. We are so blessed and I hope our actions show how much we love and appreicate Heavenly Father for his continued blessings in our lives!